Black Power and Black Magic/k

is the newsletter of lenny duncan (they/them) writer. speaker. Ph.d scholar. media producer. Babá Awó. Reluctant sorcerer.

It’s free because paywalls are the fucking death of the internet.

You can become subscriber, or not. Or read it awhile, pay for a year, then go back to free. Same content.

If this matters to you: I pay bills as a black trans writer in this world with this newsletter. If you see value in what I do subscribe for as long as you can.

You can cancel whenever knowing I aint mad.

I still believe we will win.

Subscribe to Black Power & Black Magic/k

Black Power and Black Magic: An Esoteric History of the United States is the untold story of magic, its practitioners, and the power of local spirituality.


They/them fatale. PhD fellow at the Graduate Theological Union. History of the esoteric, occult, strange, and in resistance to the colonial project. Interdimensional writer at Meow Wolf working on new LA project’ 26. Trad published author 4x.